26 Feb 2015

Mt Coree

White's Skink Egernia whitii looking a bit worse for wear.  Besides having his tail missing, there are red spots in the ear and between the toes which look like mites. This morph has brown back without spots.

They are pretty cute!

Lots of Scarlet greenhoods Pterostylus coccina.

View west from Mt. Coree.

16 Feb 2015

In The Garden

A later instar larvae of the Orchard Butterfly Papilio aegeus on a lemon tree.  I thought it must be introduced but it is actually a native species that just really likes lemon trees. We check on him every day.  He spends a lot of time very still, sometimes on a narrow pad of silk. If we come by and catch him eating he will stop.

Garden Orb Spider Eriophora transmarina in her web just after dusk.She is re-using the same web from yesterday. Hard to see but she has a great white stripe down her abdomen.

7 Feb 2015

Stockyard Spur and Mt Gingera

Orange Alpine Xenica Orieixenica correae.  Actually there are five species of mainland Alpine Xenicas all looking similar of course, but I think I've got this one right.

This is the very photographed Snow Gum Eucalyptus pauciflora on the summit of Mt Gingera....

...the angular buds and hook-ended leaves indicate ssp debeuzevillei

Mt Gingera summit with its wonky marker, and views to the Snowies.

4 Feb 2015

Stockyard Spur Daisies

Alpine Podolepis Podolepis robusta. Big showy yet raggedy looking flowers. A single stem with several flower heads.

Chamomile Sunray Rhodanthe anthemoides.  little white paper daisies.

Orange Everlasting Xerochrysum subundulata. Big paper daisies.