2 Jan 2018

Pedens Hut

Fields of Bulbine and Vanilla Lilies on the Gulf Plain

Pale Vanilla Lily Arthropodium milleflorum

Bulbine bulbosa

Small-fruit Hakea Hakea microcarpa

Pale Golden Moths Diuris Ochroma

Mauve or Highland Leek Orchid Prasophyllum alpestre

Murrumbidgee and the Gulf Plain

Clustered Everlasting Chrysocephalum semipapposum

Mountain Katydids Acripeza reticulata. The male is the one in the centre, the females are rounder.

Some kind of Grass Caterpillar or Woolly Bear- maybe Pterolocera sp. feeding on a blade of grass

Townsends Hut- the red wash along the top of the grassed area is due to many Triggerplants

Triggerplant Stylidium graminifolium