30 Sept 2015

Naas Creek Valley

Bear's ears Cymbonotus spp

Dominant tree species include Black Sallee Eucalyptus stellulata (left) and Snow Gum Eucalyptus pauciflora (right)

And Kangaroo Grass Themeda triandra

Dried seed pods of Small-fruit Hakea microcarpa 

Naas Creek Valley with Mt Gudgenby coming into view

Boboyan Homestead ruins

27 Sept 2015

Mt Ainslie Trees

Dominant species on Mt Ainslie are Scribbly Gums Eucalyptus rossii (white trunks) and Drooping She-oak Allocasuarina verticillata (narrower black fissured trunks)

Drooping She-oak with a bad but lucky shot of a Golden Whistler Pachycephala pectoralis - taken on a pocket snapshot camera

View of Canberra from Mt Ainslie. Smoke at centre right is from a burn off on Oakey Hill

18 Sept 2015

Mt Ainslie flowers

Nodding Blue Lily Stypandra glauca

Kangaroo Thorn Acacia paradoxa is plentiful

Twining Glycine Glycine clandestina 

Hardenbergia violaceae

Tiny Cryptandra amara

14 Sept 2015

Orroral Valley

Dagger Wattle Acacia siculiformis named for the very sharp pointed dagger leaves

Ovens or Wedge-leafed Wattle Acacia pravissima in bud

Seed pods of Long-leaf Lomatia Lomatia myricoides 

Orroral Valley

13 Sept 2015

Silver Wattle

Silver Wattle Acacia dealbata is flowering now

2 Sept 2015

Lakeview Track

Understorey shrubs of  Pomaderris intermedia in bud.  The flowers will be golden.

Box-leaf Wattle Acacia buxifolia

Common or Creeping Hovea Hovea heterophyla