Canberra just had a good couple of days of rain, so now there are mushrooms. All these were growing near Pines
Pinus radiata and other European trees by Lake Burley Griffin.
These are some kind of Bolete, I'm going with Weeping Bolete
Suillus granulatus- speckled stem, no ring on stem, colour of flesh light yellow to white.
This particular mushroom had a resident fly that would not move off whilst being photographed. It did seem a little edgy though, and after a while it flew at me in a defensive attack. Its likely to be a male fly from the heleomyzidae family, defending his mushroom against other males.
Shaggy Ink Cap
Coprinus comatus.
Fly Agaric
Amanita muscaria. These are well known around Canberra.
Death Caps
Amanita phalloides. They were large and shone a beautiful brass gold in the sun and were quite attractive.
There was a smaller one:
And an older specimen approx. 15 cm across the cap:
The membranous skirt
White flesh inside.
Here they are looking innocent enough from a distance.
The mushrooms were also growing out of an obvious white cup-like vulva at the base.