26 Jan 2017

Moruya North Head

A male Net-casting Spider Deinopis subrufa

A male Leaf Curling Spider Phonognatha graeffei

A cute little Cross-ruled Lycidas jumping spider Lycidas scutulata

A Leafhopper nymph Ledromorpha spp believing itself camouflaged on a tent.

A Hercules Club or Mud Whelk Pyrazus ebeninus burrowing down.

A male Fallen Bark Looper Moth  Gastrophora henricaria at Braidwood.

19 Jan 2017

Grasshopper Laying Eggs

I nearly stood on this grasshopper who was busy laying her eggs on Round Mountain Trail. She was not going to abandon the task and so let me take many photos.

Mountain Grasshopper Percassa rugifrons

I did see a lot of small holes in the track and now I knew why.  This one has the same reduced wings and black edge on the back leg, but she was a paler grey colour with similar but much less distinct markings.

9 Jan 2017

Jagungal Flowers II

Granite Buttercups Ranununculus graniticola

Some last flowers of Leafy Bossiaea Bossiaea foliosa

Shaggy seed pods of Leafy Bossiaea, about 5mm long. leaves are tiny-3mm.

Leafy Bossiaea hosting an Emerald Moth, quite possibly Alpine Euloxia Euloxia hypsithrona

Candle Richea Richea continentis

Alpine Boronia Boronia algida

8 Jan 2017

Jagungal Flowers

Derwent Speedwell Derwentia derwentiana

Matted Pratia Lobelia pendunculata (was Pratia pendunculata)

Tall Rice-flower / Mountain Rose / Kosciuszko Rose Pimelea ligustrina

Ivy Goodenia Goodenia hederaceae

Creeping Fan-Flower Scaevola hookeri

Tasman Flax-lily Dianella tasmanica

7 Jan 2017

Derschkos Hut

Evening view of Mt Jagungal 31st December 2016

Making Camp

Dusty Daisy Bush Olearia phlogopappa

Prickly Starwort Stellaria pungens growing on granite

Cascade Everlasting Ozothamnus secundiflorus

Silver Snow Daisy Celmisia spp

Bidgee Widgee Acaena novae-zelandiae

Oreomyrrhis eriopoda Native Caraway

Billy Button Craspedia spp

Derschkos Hut

Happy New Year - Mt Jagungal 1st January 2017

2 Jan 2017

Billy Buttons

Billy Buttons Craspedia spp. in the Jagungal Wilderness were plentiful.

 A Case-moth caterpillar with a case made of leaves. Every now and then it would give a little twist and the tiny caterpillars head could be seen feeding.

Jewel Beetles Castiarina flavopicta

A predatory Damsel Bug Nabidae family

A day flying Geometridae moth (loopers) Chrysolarentia chrysocyma

A Flower Spider or Crab Spider- possibly Lehtinelagia prasina....28/5/18-Changing this id to Australomisidia rosea Rosy Flower Spider

Field of Billy buttons with Round Mountain in the distance.

Many hang their heads at the end of days. Spent Billy Button with Mt Jagungal behind.