26 Apr 2019

Hume and Hovell - Henry Angel to the Tunnel

Henry Angel campsite to the Tunnel has plenty of farmland views

Spectacular Rustgill Gymnopilus junonius

Plently of exotic trees making a good autumn show, very European

Sheep on the trail

Bardi Grub pupal case Trictena altripalpis

And back at the toilet block, Trictena altripalpis adult moth

The patterns

Another big chunky moth, not sure yet on this one

25 Apr 2019

Delanys Hut - Connors Hill

Delanys Hut

With Alpine Hill in the background

The hut burnt in the 2003 fires, it has been beautifully rebuilt

An earlier fireplace

Little bench by the Black Sallee at Connors Hill

Black Sallee flowers Eucalyptus stellulata, with Alpine Hill in the background

Woolly Grevillea Grevillea lanigera

Some kind of Bolete

A Rhubarb Bolete Boletellus obscurecoccineus

Mother Shield Fern Polystichum proliferum

20 Apr 2019

Mt Barren Jack

Parsons Bands Orchid Eriochilus cuccullatus, one only seen.

Spectacular Rustgill Gymnopilus junonius

Walking scenery

"Walking Track" a very generous description here

Trig down on Mt Barren Jack

Stinging Nettles Urtica incisa


Termite mound

Ghost Moth pupal case Abantiades atripalpis

Bracken Pteridium esculentum

Gumnuts of Southern Blue Gum Eucalyptus bicostata