21 Dec 2020

A Few Nice Moths

Red-lined Geometrid Crypsiphona ocultaria

Light Brown Apple Moths mating Epiphyas postvittana

Red-lined Geometrid showing red-lined underside

Bold Phrataria Phrataria bijugata

19 Dec 2020

Reeds Creek

 Old Cherry Trees at Oldfields Hut

Anchor Plant Discaria pubescens

Bitter Pea Daviesia mimosoides

Shaggy-pea Oxylobium ellipticum

Mountain Caps Caladenia alpina

Highland Golden Moths -Flowering 21st Nov20- Diuris monticola

Common Bird Orchid opening Chiloglottis valida

18 Dec 2020

Black Mountain 2020

Black Mountain 14/11/20

Fringe Lilies, large and numerous this year Thysanotus tuberosus

Woolly Pointed Everlasting Coronidium oxylepis

Lydia Lichen Moth Asura lydia

The signs are old but good

Chocolate Lily Arthropodium fimbriatum

Yellow Rush Lily Tricoryne elatior

Tall Lobelia Lobelia gibbosa

Prickly Starwort Stellaria pungens

Australian Admiral Vanessa itea

Black Mountain Tower

8 Dec 2020

The Gib

 The Stone Stairs 

Wallaby Weed - a daisy bush Olearia viscidula

Nodding Blue Lily Stypandra glauca

Spiny-headed Mat Rush Lomandra longifolia

Scrambling Lily Geitonoplesium cymosum

Tiger Orchids were plentiful Diuris sulphurea (late October)

Showy Isotome Isotoma axillaris

Old Mans Beard Clematis aristata

Headache Vine Clematis glycinoides

Apple Berry Billardiera scandens

Two Bag Shelter Moths, showing two pattern variations Ochrogaster lunifer

The 1930's "shelter sheds"

On the top

Trig with complimentary ladder

Mt Gibraltar is a volcanic intrusion about 150 million years old, set in wet sclerophyl forest. Known locally as "The Gib".

1 Nov 2020

Aranda 2020

 Wax Lips Glossodia major

Lemon Caps Caladenia cucullata

Musky Caps Caladenia moschata

Tiger Orchid Diuris sulphurea

Going with  Black Mountain Leopard Orchid Diuris nigromontana

And again

And even this yellow one

The most Fringe Lilies I have seen ever Thysanotus tuberosus

And the Guinea Flowers were the largest I've seen Hibbertia obtusifolia

Bush Pea Pultenaea procumbens

Mountain Grevillea Grevillea alpina