26 Oct 2020

Brayshaws Hut

 A bad way to die

Another bad way to die

The delightfully named Goorudee Rivulet

Brachycome sp.

Showy Violet Viola betonicifolia


Large organic shapes on the open landscape, the ghost outlines of burned fallen trees

Many had blackened wood still laying in situ along the scars

Brayshaws Hut, not burned, thanks to firies/npws/everybody

2m x 3m

Kosciuszko's smallest

Crows Yards on the subalpine Nungar Plain

Groundsel Senecio sp.

Rusty-pods Hovea montana

Mountain Dragon Rankinia diemensis 

Also seen:

Bird Orchids Chiloglottis sp, leaves only

Pink Bells Tetrathica sp, one only

Horses, Cymbonotus sp,  (lots)

Highland Copperhead Austrelaps ramsayi (one only) (big)

20 Oct 2020

In the Lake - Durras

 The Mud Whelk  Pyrazus ebeninus

Seagrass Zostera capricorni looks like shredded paper when dried on the shore

15 Oct 2020

In the Bush - Durras

 Dusky Coral-pea Kennedia rubicunda

Blueberry Ash Elaeocarpus reticulatus

Sweet Pittosporum Pittosporum undulatum

Yellow Pittosporum Pittosporum revolutum

Climbing Guinea flower Hibbertia scandens

Cheese Tree Glochidion sp.

Common Ringlet Hypocysta metirius

13 Oct 2020

In The Sand - Durras

Coast Wattle Acacia longifolia subsp. sophorae


Coast Beard Heath Leucopogon parviflorus

Tiger Moth Amata sp.

Dog Cockle Glycymeris sp.

Magpie Moth Nyctemera amicus

Acacia Leaf Beetle Dicranosterna immaculata

Very large Longhorn beetle, maybe Coptocercus sp.

Stab marks from a Sooty Oystercatcher's beak Haematopus fuliginosus

An Antlion larvae -family Neuroptera

Here he is burrowing

And seals