17 Jul 2021

Old Adaminaby


The old church at Old Adaminaby

Views around the shore

Some kind of ceramic insulator

Plenty of building remnants

 Plenty of Yabby bits Cherax sp.

Same place, next day

28 Jun 2021

AAWT - Day 16 - Ghost Gully Camp to the old Telegraph Poles

 A day walk in the fog on the June long weekend. 

 Typical view for today- fog and swamps

The old firetrail still shown on some maps has all but disappeared

Track to Millers Hut

Old fenceline near Millers Hut

Bally Creek

Millers Hut, with a patch of snow front and back

Snow Gums Eucalyptus pauciflora

Black Sallees Eucalyptus stellulata

Most of the small groundcover is Leafy Bossiaea Bossiaea foliosa

The first telegraph pole

This way to some fog

Following the poles

The end of the line

At the end of the line of telegraph poles I decided to head back to Ghost Gully Camp. I'd spent a lot of time tooling around looking for old trails, the weather was bad and I was packed for day walking only. Heading back, I drifted away from the telegraph poles and could not see them in the fog, so set the compass for North and headed for Port Philip Trail. At first I was unnerved at having lost the poles, but the walking was so lovely and open that I was soon enjoying myself thoroughly (the song You Can Go Your Own Way was playing in my head). I was also rewarded with subalpine views of the Murrumbidgee that would have been otherwise missed.

Mighty Murrumbidgee

14 Jun 2021

AAWT - Day14-15 - Bill Jones Hut to Ghost Gully Camp

Trip taken April 2021- clear days, cold nights.

Views over Long Plain

Hainsworth Hut

Quartz crystals on the track

Very few flowers left

Whoever this guy is, he has a red mite behind his head.

Active European Wasp nest, reported to NPWS.
Vespula germanica

More views from Mosquito Creek Trail

Morning view of frost and fog on Cooleman Plain

 View of Bimberi from frosty tent

Bill Jones Hut

The toilet, very funny

Sparshall's Moth, a female

Trichiocercus sparshalli

Brumby trap. Plenty of brumbies in this area.

View from Old Currango

Old Currango Homestead

Homestead interior, very comfortable

Views from Port Philip Trail, towards new walking country