23 Apr 2017

LCC Autumn Teatrees and Wattle

Woolly Teatree Leptospermum lanigerum

River Teatree Leptospermum obovatum

Prickly Teatree Leptospermum continentale

Wedge-leaf Wattle buds Acacia pravissima

Red-leaf wattle buds Acacia rubida

Blackwood buds Acacia melanoxylon

A bit confused that some buds starting to open a few flowery bits

A very tiny Wahlenbergia sp. possibly gracilis

Pasture Day Moth Apina callisto

17 Apr 2017

Marshall's Break

Prickly Teatree Leptospermum continentale

Some younger and some older fruit

Brittle Gum Eucalyptus mannifera

Brittle Gums with bright green Cherry Ballarts Exocarpos cupressiformis

Cherry Ballart bark with a White-spotted Jumping Spider and it's prey Sandalodes scopifer

Prickly Broom-heath Monotoca scoparia starting to flower

Common Prettymouth Calostoma fuscum


16 Apr 2017


Sweet Pittosporum Pittosporum undulatam is everywhere

Coast Banksia Banksia integrifolia

Flowers of Grey Mangrove Avicennia marina

Burrawang- a cycad. Macrozamia communis

Pigface Caprobrotus glaucescens

Yellow Pittosporum Pittosporum revolutum at Mogo. The outer skin of the fruit looks like citrus.

Obligatory photo of Australia Rock- it's the rock at the end of the headland with a hole in it shaped like Australia.

Gulaga - Mother Mountain (Mt Dromedary) - overlooking Wagonga Inlet and Narooma.

Baranguba (Montague Island) off the coast on the left. Baranguba, the eldest of Gulaga's two sons, went to live in the sea.