8 Mar 2018

Mt Aggie

Coprosma Coprosma hirtella

This one has a cute bug

Silver Xenica Oreixenica lathoniella

Wasp galls on Snow Gums

Australian Caraway in seed Oreomyrrhis eriopoda

Spent Triggerplant stems pretending to be leek orchids Stylidium graminifolium

Orange Everlasting Xerochrysum subundulatum in seed

Red berries of Mountain Beard Heath Acrothamnus hookeri

Native Raspberry Rubus parvifolius

Snow Gum Eucalyptus pauciflora

Chamomile Sunrays in abundance Rhodanthe anthemoides

Views north towards Burrinjuck

Mt Aggie summit. To the left of the cairn are views west to the Bogongs, Koscuiszko NP