12 Oct 2018

Burrill Lake

Pelicans Pelecanus conspicillatus

Zebra Top Shell Austrocochlea porcata

Tapered Ark Shell Anadara trapezia

Also known as Sydney Cockle, Ark Cockle or Blood Cockle as they have red blood

Zebra Top Austrocochlea porcata

Sausage Blubber- the eggs of the Moon Snails Conuber sp. are suspended in this jelly

Tracks of a tiny Hermit Crab at home in a Mud Whelk shell Battillaria australis

Track of a Moon Snail Conuber sordidus

Silvereye Zosterops lateralis

Birds of the feeding areas:
Rainbow Lorikeet Trichoglossus molucannus
Chestnut Teal Anas castanea
Long Billed Corella Cacatua tenuirostris

A wet Rainbow