12 May 2022

AAWT - Day 18-20 - Tantangara Creek to Kiandra

First two night/three day journey on this AAWT adventure. Completed over Dec 2021 / Jan 2022.

Poa spp. at Tantangara Creek

Many plains filled with wildflowers

Candle Richea Richea continentis- First time seeing this plant on the trail 

Alpine Rusty Pods Hovea montana

Dragonfly just hatched and drying its wings

Witzes Hut

Found this old blob-top bottle piece in the dug-up roadworks near Witzes Hut. Have left it in the Hut. The absolute largest number of brumbies ever seen in one spot near here at Blanket Plain- I counted 100 individuals at once.

Eucalyptus Leaf Beetle Paropsis porosa

Some thick patches of yellow Kunzea Kunzea muelleri


Hamiltons Orb weaver Araneus hamiltonii - is my best guess, but the patterning is not as angular/wavy as most photos indicate

Camp Night 1


Snowy Mountains Highway

Ruins of Kiandra

This burnt-out ghost town marks my completion of section 8 in Chapmans' AAWT guidebook. I have now done a whole section! I planned and enjoyed this section over many months-years in fact- because over time, so many things came in between me and a weekend in the bush. Parenting, Covid lockdowns, depression, illness, work, life, weather.

No super-special equipment, no food drops, no through-hiking with extended leave from work, etc. Mostly just me and sometimes a friend, and the occasional golden weekend of free time.

Section 8 Fun Facts!!

My favourite place:
    I love Murrays Gap

My favourite Hut:
    Probably Oldfield's

My favourite wildlife encounter:
    Lyrebird tracks and wild dogs howling in the snow at Murrays Gap

My favourite plant:
  Fairy Aprons at Murrays Gap

Most scariest episode:
    Driving back out on Bullocks Hill Trail, by myself, getting stuck, sliding backwards, getting stuck, sliding backwards, etc etc, then grinding my way up and out with every nerve jangling- on Xmas day with absolutely no-one around.
    Oh and also- walking in to Murrays gap in the snow covered track, and having wild dogs very close, and having some kind of low temperature asthma episode-bit freaky.
     And, walking past cranky wild horses is usually a bit freaky as well. They also don't like it when you are camped somewhere near anywhere they consider to be theirs.
    And feeling like I was going to die of heat exhaustion was also a tad scary.
    Many people ask me if I get scared out there. Yes.

The hardest part:
    Walking and walking with a big heavy pack.
    Continuing to get myself out there and make it happen when I felt lonely and could not get a buddy to hike with.

The easiest part:
    Ditching packs and doing day-pack walking. SO easy.

You can imagine how keen I am to walk across that big Highway and up that track towards Tabletop Mountain, and begin my journey into the Next Section of Jagungal and Kosciusko. But, there will be delays. Currently I am unable to drive as I have had a seizure and a shadowy lesion has shown itself on a scan of my precious brain. The brain that I need to help me do this stuff.

The day I put up my next AAWT post, I will be a very happy girl. See you then.