26 Nov 2016

Coppins Crossing

Spiny-headed Mat Rush Lomandra longifolia

A Bluebell Wahlenbergia spp that is not the usual blue, but white.

Native Crowfoot, Blue Storksbill, Blue Herons-foot or Blue Crowfoot Erodium crinitum

Painted Lady Vanessa kershawi

Here's some old Molonglo infrastructure- a stile for getting around down at the river.

Here's something new- a giant footbridge spanning the Molonglo. This wasn't here last time I walked along this section of the river!

The footbridge will be linking new suburbs.

12 Nov 2016

Forster Hill

Donkey Orchid Diuris sulphurea

Narrow-leafed Pomaderris Pomaderris angustifolia

Wooly-head Pomaderris Pomaderris eriocephala

A parent tree surrounded by a circle of seeded offspring. What was once a lone paddock tree is now a stand due to being fenced off.  The trees are all Red Stringybark Eucalyptus macrorhyncha.

Its a family thing

The parent tree is burned but alive, surrounded by about 80 - 100 kids.

Bulbine lillies are everywhere Bulbine bulbosa

Views to Bullen Range and beyond from Forster Hill

A male Caper White butterfly Belenois java

30 Oct 2016

First Fleet Park

The first Meadow Argus I've seen this spring. Meadow Argus Junonia villida amongst the Jacaranda blossoms Jacaranda mimosifolia. Almost all butterflies I've seen this spring in ACT have been Painted Ladies Vanessa kershawi.

Jacaranda mimosifolia flower- the plant originates in Brazil.

Australin White Ibis Threskiornis moluccus with breeding plumes and scarlet skin on the back of the head. The one in front has a healed broken leg.

Views of Harbour Bridge, giant cruise ship and Opera House all at once.

23 Oct 2016

Bullen October

Scaly Buttons Leptorynchos squamatus

Austral Bugloss Ajuga australis

Currawang Acacia doratoxylon

Common Woodruff Asperula conferta

Native geranium Geranium solanderi

Broad leaved Peppermint Eucalyptus dives

21 Oct 2016

Settlers Track

Brayshaws Homestead

Yellow understorey of Silver Wattle Acacia dealbata

Many old trees bear their ringbark scar


Old forked fencing near Waterhole Hut

Waterhole Hut

View from inside towards Sentry Box Mountain

Coral Heath Epacris microphylla

Westermans Homestead with Pheasant Hill behind

Graves near the homestead

9 Oct 2016


Erect Guinea Flower Hibbertia riparia

Hempbush Gynatrix pulchella growing along the creeks

Twining Glycine Glycine clandestina

Creamy Candles Stackhousia monogyna

Pale Sundew Drosera peltata

Jacky Lizard Amphibolurus muricatus

Gibraltar Peak (left) and Mt Eliza