20 May 2017

Tuggeranong Railway

Five Corners Styphelia triflora

Mealy Bundy Eucalyptus nortonii

All kinds of fun railway things

Termite mounds on the tracks

Grey Guinea-flower Hibbertia obtusifolia


14 May 2017

Mothers Day

Urn Heath in flower Melichrus urceolatus

A Ghost Moth pupal case, Hepialidae family

Silver Wattle flower buds Acacia dealbata

Common Everlasting Chrysocephalum apiculatum

Spectacular Rustgill Gymnopilus junonius

Views, space, river.

7 May 2017

Pole Timber Road

Amanita muscaria

Saffron Milk Cap Lactarius deliciosus

They look anything but delicious to me

Older specimens with a green tinge

Yellow-flowering Oxalis sp. 

Just one yellow flower of Small St John's Wort Hypericum gramineum

And just one yellow flower of Paper Daisy Xerochrysum viscosum

Something has enjoyed a meal of Botany Bay Weevils Chrysolopus spectabilis

Views and rocky outcrops on hills around Pole Timber