23 Mar 2021

Nicole Gorge

Caves at Blue Waterholes

Native Raspberry Rubus parvifolius

Siver Xenica Oreixenica lathoniella

Cooleman Right Cave (pointing camera into darkness with flash on)

Is that a geocache in the wall on the right?

Daisy Bush Olearia rosmarinifolia

Views around the Gorge

Fallen limestone blocks

Brachiopod fossils

Two interesting plants among the fossils

Goldmoss stonecrop Sedum acre is an invasive weed

Tree Violet or Gruggly Bush Melicytus angustifolius is native


The gorge from above Murrays Cave

Cooleman Plain

Chamomile Sunray at the end of flowering season Rhodanthe anthemoides

Apple tree on the right. Several apple trees with plenty of fruit, not quite ripe.

Kerosene Bush Ozothamnus cupressoides

Shed lizard skin, with perfect little toes

9 Mar 2021

Cooleman Mountain

 Driving in, full moon

With horses

Horse warning

Berry of Dianella sp.

Candlebark Eucalyptus rubida. Picture doesn't capture the glowing coppery apricot colour

Butterfly is Shouldered Brown Heteronympha penelope, these were plentiful

Coolamine Homestead and buildings

Newspapers lining the inside walls are from 1939

The verandahs

The toilet with two seats

Hamiltons Orb Weaver (I think) Araneus hamiltoni