14 Oct 2018

AAWT - Day 4-5 - Honeysuckle Creek to Orroral River

First Candles of the season Stackhousia monogyna

Coral Heath Epacris microphylla

First Indigfera flowers Indigofera australis

Twin Flower Beard Heath Leucopogon fletcheri

Juvenile leaves of Ribbon Gum Eucalyptus viminalis

Orroral Ridge

Orroral River

Common Reed Phragmites australis

12 Oct 2018

Burrill Lake

Pelicans Pelecanus conspicillatus

Zebra Top Shell Austrocochlea porcata

Tapered Ark Shell Anadara trapezia

Also known as Sydney Cockle, Ark Cockle or Blood Cockle as they have red blood

Zebra Top Austrocochlea porcata

Sausage Blubber- the eggs of the Moon Snails Conuber sp. are suspended in this jelly

Tracks of a tiny Hermit Crab at home in a Mud Whelk shell Battillaria australis

Track of a Moon Snail Conuber sordidus

Silvereye Zosterops lateralis

Birds of the feeding areas:
Rainbow Lorikeet Trichoglossus molucannus
Chestnut Teal Anas castanea
Long Billed Corella Cacatua tenuirostris

A wet Rainbow

1 Oct 2018

AAWT - Day 3 - Booroomba Rocks to Honeysuckle Creek

Booroomba Rocks

Leionema Leionema lamprophyllum subs. obovatum

Lemon Bottlebrush Callistemon pallidus

Rayed Blue Candalides heathi

Alpine Star Bush- maybe -Asterolasia trymalioides

Grevillea Grevillea oxyantha subsp. oxyantha

More Booroomba Rocks

Tennent and Deadmans from Booroomba

Along the track to Honeysuckle Creek - The orange is Cherry Ballart Exocarpos cupressifomis and the yellow is Silver Wattle Acacia dealbata

Beard-heath Leucopogon sp.

Blanket Bush Bedfordia arborescens

Dagger Wattle Acacia siculiformis

Woolly Grevillea Grevillea lanigera

Coral Heath Epacris microphylla

Wedge-leaf Wattle Acacia pravissima

Honeysuckle Creek