6 Jan 2018

Pedens Hut III

Pedens Hut in morning mist

St Andrews Cross Spider of this species was plentiful- they had a greenish tinge. Argiope sp

View from Mt Jadar

Jadar Trig

Crane Fly Leptotarsus clavatus

Australian Forget-me-not Cynoglossum australe

Some kind of cute Weevils on Grevillea

Woolly Grevillea Grevillea lanigera

Water Skink Eulamprus sp

Leaf Skeletonizers at work

Alpine Bottlebrush Callistemon pityoides. Only saw one of these.

Large leaf Daisy Bush in full flower Olearia megalophylla. Only saw one of these also.

Brumby racing past. Mt Jadar on far right.

Snow Gums in flower Eucalyptus pauciflora