7 Feb 2019

Aslings Beach

Another fabulous beach....

The red creature is a Sea Tulip Pyura gibbosa

Also, there are mussels, barnacles,

Sea urchin with creature still inside and a few broken pink spines attached. Didn't realise there was a bonus jewel beetle in this shot- Metallic Jewel Beetle Scutiphora pedicellata

Gunns Screw Shell Gazameda gunnii

Eggs of Cartrut Shell Dicathais orbita

Violet Snail with its bubble float Janthina janthina

Flipped over to show the pale side

This one is older, no more bubble float

The food of Violet Snails: Bluebottle Physalia physalis

Two kinds of barnacles- The one with many plates is Surf Barnacle Catomerus polymerus - the one with heavily striated plates is Rose-coloured Barnacle Tesseropora rosea

Found this guy upside down on the sand- Leaf Beetle Paropsis atomaria

Sea Urchin

A very spiky little fish, bindi of the sea. Turretfish Tetrosomus sp

Westringia eremicolia