19 May 2019

Little Jack

 Solenogyne Solenogyne dominnii

Rooting Shank Oudemansiella sp. It grows on wood

Cortinarius australiaensis

Large veil

Here is a munched one

Daisy Brachyscome spathulata

Possibly these are Fairy Bonnets, I dont know but the name is so good

Yellow Navels Lichenomphalia chromacea, growing with the green algal mat on bare soil that always accompanies this species

Glaucous juvenile leaves of Southern Blue Gum Eucalyptus bicostata

Note the square stems

This fallen log contains its own universe

Home of Wombat Vombatus ursinus

And an actual Wombat accompanied by Galah song Eolophus roseicapilla
Just another beautiful unnamed mountain, unnamed creek.